What’s BossCo?
If you guessed a Seinfeld reference, I can really appreciate that, but it is just for Boss Consulting. My last name is Boss and it had a nice ring to it, and I ran with it. BossCo is a Salesforce Consultancy owned and operated by me, currently doing some long term ad-hoc projects but open to anything.
About SFDCBoss the Blog
As mentioned above I have had a nice run of 10+ years dabbling in Salesforce platform related activities. So much happened in life in those years but for whatever reason Salesforce became a hobby/passion/obsession for better or for worse, and it left me with a bunch of skills that go a long way when trying to solve Business problems with Technology.
I love the internet and I love the fact that you can Google salesforce things and get so much help so quick, so I am hoping to add to that collection of information and put my own stamp of Salesforce Developer related topics online.
What types of things will you write about?
- Code Samples with Github links and Comments
- Bug fixes that were worth writing about
- Stories of my first and last Salesforce projects
- Details on Apps created for use in Salesforce
Time will tell if it turns into something completely different but for right now it’s time to just hit the blog posts and see what comes out. If you have any questions feel free to contact me here.